Sunday, March 30, 2008


Is it just me or...

Has someone in the Hillary camp told her to smile more.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Running with a devil

Ok. Not sure I'm exactly Forest Gump, but I did purchase a Nike+. Now I feel I must justify the purchase by actually running. For me running is the only way I can actually lose weight. Seeing I am a distant third (or so) in our Largest Reducer competition - I need to do something drastic. Here's to not having a heart attack before May 1!

My competitive side said I needed further motivation - so I enlisted copywriting genius and fellow large guy mattbunkdotcom. Unfortunately he is my primary competition for the largest reducer - so this is clearly a concession. Nevertheless, I run on. Filled with the personal satisfaction that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Also filled with something us joggers call "Runner's High" - also known as phlegm.

See phat guy run here...,runs,1491594255,runID,685873963